The Dust Less Traveled….

Not really a desk, more like a storage spot

Wow….This desk, like much of my room, just became a place to put stuff because I don’t have a place for everything and all that.

Story of my life.

Okay, but I am changing my story!  Soooo, taking advice from “The Greats” I got dressed and tied my shoes.


Ready to clean!



Then, I set the timer for 30 minutes and started changing my story!  Woo-hoo!

I so wish I had a great camera and could have caught the image of the dust flying through the air.  I pretty much needed a  mask!  Yuck!

But wait!  Here is the good news!

Look what a difference 30 minutes makes!

Progress! I see the desk!


Not completed, but a great beginning!  If I can do it, you can do it.

Ell Ell

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